Undiscovered #063: The Fine Arts of Relaxation, How Starlink Works, Six Reasons Why You Should Go For It

#063: The Fine Arts of Relaxation, How Starlink Works, Six Reasons Why You Should Go For It

Hi All!

We are pleased to welcome you to this week's edition of Undiscovered, a newsletter with exclusive resources and insights expanding from the material found on our main site - becketu.com.

This week, we will take a timely look at the art of relaxation, how Starlink works, a video breaking down one of the most important machine learning papers ever written, and why you should 'go for it' in 2025.

Let's dive in:

Learning the Art of Relaxation

The end of the year is always one of my favorite times for reading and reflection. One book that recently surfaced as a candidate for capping off 2024 is The Fine Arts of Relaxtion, Concentration, and Meditation by Joel & Michelle Levey.

Thanks to Joe Holder on X/Twitter, we originally came across this book as he describes it as one of the "biggest unlocks" you can incorporate into life to improve your default state. The book offers the following teaching techniques:

  • Waking up throughout the day--finding your meditation practice and sticking to it.
  • Balancing breath, brain, and mind-mastering stress--enhancing performance in every arena of your life.
  • Creative intelligence--the dynamic synergy of active and quiet mind skills.
  • Mastery, mystery, and meditation--awakening to your true nature.
  • Inspired Work--relaxation, concentration, and meditation on the job.

How Starlink Works

Starlink is one of the most innovative engineering feats of the last decade. It enables some of the fastest, remotely accessible internet in the world, and continues to improve as time goes on. This thread by @deedydas on Twitter explains the intricacies of the Starlink system in a simple, understandable way.

It covers how Starlink operates using a constellation of satellites in low orbit, and how they connect to the system of ground stations in relaying data requests. If you're interested in the future of internet infrastructure, this a fascinating, short read.

How to Get Hired at a Startup

One of the things that fascinates me, and I believe will continue to be challenging in the growing age of AI, is figuring out how to stand out to employers in a busy job market. I recently saw Gaby Goldberg offer this short blog post from Quarter Mile as a primer for those looking to get hired by a startup.

What I like about this post is its brevity. It clearly states what to do and what not to do during the recruitment process and doesn't sugarcoat the fact that "most startups suck". The ever present takeaway from a majority of these blog posts and pieces of advice, is figure out a way to provide value.

Attention is All You Need - Explained

One of the most famous AI research papers that has come out recently is Attention is All You Need. It was published in June 12, 2017, and was authored by eight scientists working at Google. This paper introduced the Transformer model, which revolutionized the field of natural language processing, and as a result, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

This Transformer model has since become the foundation for many large language models and widely applied beyond its original focus on machine translation. But, I have a confession: although I'm aware of it, I hardly (if at all) understand it.

Thankfully, YouTuber Umar Jamil made a complete video breaking down the paper in a one-hour masterclass. As a seminal paper in the field, this is a video anyone in the field of artificial intelligence should watch.

Six Reasons Why You Should Go For It

Going into 2025, it's appropriate to remind ourselves why we should go after whatever big, audacious goals we would like to accomplish. This post from @bluewmist serves as a great reminder headed into the new year:

6 reasons why you should go for it.
- life is short
- it's all or nothing
- who cares what others think
- you are strong enough to do hard things
- doing what you love makes success likely
- universe likes brave people who work through the period of uncertainty

We are incredibly thankful to have you as a reader during 2024, and we can't wait to show you all the plans we have in store for 2025!

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Happy New Year & always wishing you the best,


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